and sharing

Effortlessly create visually engaging reports and share outcomes of your AI initiatives across the wider organization.

Create custom dashboards and share with stakeholders.

With our Reports tool, you can:

• Build Tailored Dashboards and Charts
Design fully customizable dashboards and data visualizations. Whether tracking trends with line charts or comparing data with bar charts, you can easily select from various visualizations and organize reports to suit your needs.

• Leverage Filters and Custom Data Tags
Analyze data the way that works best for you. Whether by project, customer, or any other parameter, our tool offers built-in filters and the ability to create custom data tags, allowing you to segment and drill down into the data that matters most to your team.

• Efficiently Share AI Initiative Results
Seamlessly share dashboards with project stakeholders. With project-based filters, predefined access rights, and time-limited access, you can ensure secure and efficient data-driven communication across your organization.